Now that COVID restrictions are off, it’s time to book that ticket and play tourist! If you are looking for a resourceful article that provides comprehensive details on what you should know before traveling to Vietnam, you’re in luck.
4 Things You Should Know Before Traveling to Vietnam
Vietnam is a beautiful country with friendly people. However, its customs and laws differ greatly from any other place, especially the US. Here are some things to know before you hop on that plane.
Local Laws
If a foreigner violates Vietnamese laws, they are liable to judicial proceedings and can be penalized or jailed. To avoid getting on the wrong side of the law, make sure you’re aware of the following rules:
- Drugs such as marijuana and heroin are illegal. Drug crimes are treated with utmost seriousness to the extent that one can be executed or sentenced to life imprisonment.
- Importing, distributing, and producing pornographic material is illegal.
- One cannot work in Vietnam while on a tourist visa. To work, you must apply for a work permit from the Vietnamese authorities.
- You are only allowed to gamble in government-licensed casinos.
- People 18 years or below cannot consume alcohol.
- It’s prohibited for anyone to take photos of military installations and demonstrations.
- One isn’t allowed to bring Vietnam antiques or any plant and animal out of the country without a permit.
However strange you think these laws are, please adhere to them to avoid being penalized or detained. Remember, all foreigners stick out in foreign lands, and you are not an exemption. So don’t break the laws just because you feel you have blended in.
Safety Concerns
It wouldn’t make sense to travel to a country when you know nothing about its safety. So before going to Vietnam, you must have an insight into the most common safety issues in Vietnam.
- Road accidents commonly occur, so exercise precaution at all times while on the roads.
- Petty crimes such as bag slashing, snatching, and pickpocketing are common safety concerns, especially in crowded or touristy areas.
- Climatic disasters such as floods and typhoons are known to occur mainly in the months of June to November. Make sure you check the weather advisory before traveling.
Health Risks
It’s essential to have an insight into some of the health issues you may encounter while traveling in Vietnam. You do not want to spend your trip in a hospital.
- Rabies is a common health concern, especially in northern Vietnam. If you get scratched or bitten by stray dogs, raccoons, or bats during your stay, please ensure that you promptly seek medical help.
- Foodborne and waterborne diseases are rampant in Vietnam, so be mindful of what and where you eat and drink. Also, remember to practice good hand hygiene.
- Insect-borne diseases such as malaria and the Zika virus are also significant health concerns in Vietnam. Remember to take prophylactic drugs before traveling. Make it a point to carry insect-repellent creams or sprays wherever you go.
Local Language
In major Vietnamese cities and towns, people do communicate in English. But in rural regions, most people speak Vietnamese. So, if you are planning to visit the rural side of Vietnam, travel experts recommend that you at least learn basic Vietnamese words and phrases and their meanings.
By doing so, you will be able to appreciate the Vietnamese culture firsthand and avoid miscommunication. Consider investing in English- Vietnamese translation services to make your travels more epic and engaging.
Key Takeaway
Before traveling to Vietnam, get acquainted with its culture, people, language, and laws. That knowledge is essential for a fantastic trip, one that will leave everlasting memories.