A distilled liquor made from fermented seed mash is whiskey or whisky. Whisky tasting requires both art and science. Both are heavily a part of the process. Tasting whisky requires time, patience, and practice, all of which are good. Even though tasting awakens all the sensations, it is not just about enjoying the senses. Tasting whiskey is an opportunity to move from the sensory realm to the analytical one, which will aid in identifying a whisky’s aromas and improving your understanding of it. The only major challenge with this procedure is that whisky is much more than the total amount of the different components we interpret. Tasting encompasses more than just the character traits of the whisky; it also considers the distinct perceptions each taster will have based on their background, prior exposure, and expectations.
Steps To Taste Whiskey Properly
Glasses For Tasting
Many wine glasses have a tulip structure that makes them ideal for tasting whisky. Tumblers are inappropriate. A tumbler will reflect only the most unearthly and aggressive notes as it was used in American bars. Combining blended whisky with ice and soda was advantageous by obscuring it with the cup of the blender that fits its shape.
You should have a stemmed glass for tasting to keep your hands from warming the whisky inside and to keep them away from any unfavourable odours from your skin. A sign of quality is the thinness of the glass’s lip and the non – availability of any minor bulges around the rim. Additionally, the glass bowl shouldn’t be too deep so that even the most potent volatile substances can rise to the top.
One should serve whisky between 18°C to 22°C (64°C to 72°F) at room temperature. A few (oz) centilitres of whisky (2 to 4 cL/34 to 112 oz) are sufficient because tasting prioritises quality over quantity. The glass should be turned completely around by tilting it sideways. By doing this, you can make sure that whisky is evenly distributed throughout the bowl’s interior. As a result, the oxidation surface is increased, dry residues are obtained, and the aromas just at the bottom of the glass are enhanced.
The Nose
Olfactory perceptions result from an organised combination of volatile compounds, and the whisky’s complexity comes from this blending of nuances. The smell is a chemical sensation instead of sight, which is a physical sense. The body’s olfactory system can analyse a billion distinct volatile stimuli. They are caused by combining “characteristic” aromatic compounds when they pick up the sense of smell or by “merging” volatile compounds when they all contribute to the whole note. These substances can enter the respiratory tract either through the retronasal pathway or the orthonasal pathway (olfaction).
A person will experience different aromas and flavours in the same whisky based on whether they taste it at the beachside or in a city bar, so the location of the tasting is also essential. In any case, avoiding non-ventilated rooms is crucial for limiting these influences. Sometimes it’s enough to taste the whisky outdoors in the fresh air to get a better sense of the aromatic ingredients.
Whisky not only aids in the treatment but also the prevention of common colds. Ellagic acid, found in whisky, works with vitamins to help your body’s immune system fend off illnesses. Even though whisky tasting can benefit your health, if you overindulge, none of these advantages will be realised. Whisky should be consumed moderately, just like any other alcoholic beverage.