It is clear that peace between Palestinians and Israel cannot take place. Maybe sometime in the distant future, this does not apply to contemporaries and certainly not to the next generation when we look at photographs of seven-year-old children with Kalashnikovs on their chests.
Peaceful solution to conflict
To understand the absolute illusory nature of the hope for a peaceful solution to the conflict, it is sufficient to list only the most necessary preconditions necessary for the creation of the basic structure of a peace agreement. The leaders of the newly formed Palestinian state would have to definitively recognize the legitimacy of the existence of the state of Israel and completely prevent attacks on it, which would practically mean disarming the Palestinians. The Israelis would again have to stop building settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and even destroy them decisively. Jerusalem would have to be divided. The four million descendants of the original Palestina refugees would definitely have to come to terms with the fact that they will never return to where their parents and grandparents come from. As we can see, the price of peace is so high for both parties that it cannot be paid for.
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Arab cultural prosperity
In times of Arab cultural prosperity, Arab tolerance was certainly a reflection of the self-confidence of an advanced society. Tolerance of Jews continued to a large extent in the Ottoman era.
For the first Zionist waves of immigration in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, there was no Arab problem. The Zionists simply did not consider such a thing at all. They only wanted to establish their regular nation-state with all the standard “European” functions, when Jews in their isolation in the diaspora and for growing anti-Semitism were not allowed to live in Europe. The place for the birth of this originally secular state was natural: The local Arab population was initially not bothered by Jewish immigrants at first, but rather established trade contacts with them, at which time the Arabs were more likely to break free from Ottoman rule, more and more land. Palestinian Arabs were also irritated by the awareness of their cultural and social backwardness compared to the more civilized Jews, who showed supremacy. This mutual perception has not changed much to date. And feelings of inferiority tend to be a breeding ground for hatred.
Fall of the Ottoman Empire
After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Palestinian-Jewish dispute escalated, escalating dramatically with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, followed by the first Arab-Israeli war, and culminating in the 1966 War following almost twenty years. The Yom Kippur coup attempt in 1973 failed the Egyptians and Syrians. Although Egypt regained Sinai at Camp David on March 26, 1979, it had virtually no effect on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict itself. Its events move only along the sinusoid of relieving or escalating tension, always only a fragile truce. It could never be about achieving real and lasting peace.
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