Astrology is the study of the movement of the stars and aims to find out the destiny and behavior of people. Since ancient times, man has always been more attentive to what happens in heaven than to what happens on earth. Today you can find out your destiny by consulting a professional astrologer in USA, but what’s its origin?
Origin of Astrology
Chaldeans and Assyrians consulted their horoscope almost five thousand years ago. The art of composing them was born in those civilizations as an offshoot of astrolatry, a religious manifestation of the empires of Nineveh and Babylon.
Ancient Egypt disputes with Babylon the cradle of this hermetic knowledge; in fact, in the sacred books of the god Toth, inventor of writing identified by the Greeks with Hermes, the principles that govern the horoscope are recorded.
Chinese and Indians made horoscopes four thousand years ago. Among the Indians, horoscopes regulated behavior, they consulted the astrologer in the vicissitudes of life: domestic arrangements, marriages, choice of profession, travel or business. Chinese and Indians also wrote astrological charts thousands of years ago. You can learn the Indian astrological charts from the best astrologer in Mumbai.
The classical world was permeated with the supernatural; even in ancient Greece they lived immersed in wonder, and on its streets it was easy to find horoscopists posted at the doors of the houses of the rich. Things of importance were consulted with specialists in interpreting the course of the stars.
The Greeks introduced Chaldean astrology after the death of Alexander the Great: the Apotelesmatics or science of influences. The Greeks called the relationship between the stars and destiny horoskopos: from the Greek: ora = space of time + skopein = look carefully. The horoscope was looking for what reason denied.
Philosophers could do nothing against this trickery that passed from Greece to ancient Rome, where in wealthy society, it was common to hire a head astrologer. Although then horoscopes were a woman’s business.
Why do the stars point to our destiny?
Why astrological signs are planets and stars has to do with their origins. The Assyrians worshiped the Sun and the Moon, whose course and position in relation to the rest of the Zodiac they were used to observing. This Zodiac or set of the twelve “’ houses “into which the Sun enters throughout the year is a Greek word: de zodion = animal figurine, representing the ancient constellations.
Each zodiac sign was ruled by a god in charge of the month of its dominance. The weeks were ten days long, and each of those decades was ruled by a star called the counselor god. Throughout the year the thirty-six deaneries chaired by a “decadaria” followed one another: half of these demigoddesses ruled over things that happen on earth; the other half, on those that occur in the lower world.
The highest rank was occupied by the Sun, the Moon and the five major planets whose course indicated the course and order in which things happen. The predominant planet was Saturn, which the Assyrians called “the old interpreter of the future.” Saturn made the momentous revelations.
The planets were male or female. Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury were male; the Moon and Venus, females. It was necessary to observe its position in relation to the constellations, since the conjunction of a constellation and a planet in the birth of a person marked the destiny of this one. The Greeks called this forecast the horoscope!