Azevedotech is an Algerian company that specialises in the development of precision manufacturing processes for critical materials and equipment. They supply a range of tools to a range of different uses including medical, agricultural and energy industry. The company was founded in 1964 by Michel Azevedo as Azevedtech, with the aim of developing production methods for materials and equipment used in plastic surgery. Today, Azevedtech is one of Algeria’s largest companies according to the National Institute of Statistics (INS). The company has one factory in Gérardmer and another two plants in Constantine and Boughedzat. It produces a wide range of products including compacts, junctions and polishes. The company manufactures its own components as well as those required by third parties and partners. This makes it an important player in the market, and an important supplier of material requirements for other companies.
Types of material produced by Azevedtech
This section is only an outline of the types of material produced by Azevedtech. The full list can be found on the company website here. The company produces a wide range of plastics and rubber products including cork, polyurethane, polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene, polypropylene and polyamide – a type of fabrics which are used in many industries such as clothing, upholstery, shoes, gloves and bags. Many chemicals are used in the production of these plastics and bags but there are also a few chemicals which are less commonly used such as formaldehydo and formaldehyde.
Chemical Additatives
Azevedtech produces a group of chemicals which are used in the production of plastic products. These include formaldehyde, methyl methylpentane and propane. Some of the chemicals used in the production of plastic products are not toxic but are less common in home use such as these used in the construction of propane appliances or refrigerators.
Supplies of raw materials
This section details the individual raw materials used in the production of Azevedtech’s products. The raw materials used in the production of Azevedtech’s products are manufactured in factories owned and operated by Azevedtech. The raw materials used in these factories are mostly natural resources such as natural gas, oil or metal that is needed for the production of these products and a small amount of plastic material.
Developed processes and tools
This section details the types of processes used in the production of Azevedtech’s products. The types of processes are selected according to the purpose for which the raw materials are to be used. The types of processes used in the production of Azevedtech’s products are – plastic injection molding, raw material Lonorination, casting,Hot-rolled, Hot-dipping, and cold-rolled.
Company president and CEO
This is the most senior position in the company and is filled by Hubert Azevedo. The company president of Azevedtech holds the title of CEO and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company. The company has no plans to change the current structure of the company as it is today. The current structure was approved by the shareholders of the company in August 2016 after a period of non-executive leadership.
Key people working in the manufacturing department
These are Azevedtech’s vice- Presidents, general managers and managers of department. They each have a specific function in the company such as a vice-president of marketing, a vice-president of sales, a vice-president of purchasing and a vice-president of HR. The manufacturing departments of Azevedtech produce a wide range of products including composites, components, software and printed circuit boards.
Tasks of the manufacturing department
This section lists the tasks that each department of the manufacturing facility performs. The tasks can be divided into two groups – production and assembly. The production tasks include production of raw materials, tooling and equipment necessary for the production of the raw materials and the assembly of the products obtained from these raw materials. The assembly task includes the movement of the products from one location to another.
Marketing department
This group of departments performs marketing activities as well as traffic management. The department is divided into four groups – sales, marketing, customer service and administrative. Sales tasks include the marketing of the products made by Azevedtech and the distribution of the products sold by the company. Marketing tasks include the marketing of new products and competing products as well as the distribution of products with a promotional value.
Employees working in the manufacturing department
This group of departments includes the sales and marketing managers, technicians and working in the production or production support staff as well as administrative staff. The sales and marketing teams of Azevedtech work on a team-level to ensure a smooth flow of products from one location to another. The production support staff, on the other hand, ensures the smooth operation of the manufacturing facility.