Choosing the right SIA training provider is an important decision. You want to make sure that you are choosing someone who is qualified and has the necessary experience to provide you with quality training.
SIA training providers are different from many other types of training providers because they have a very specific focus on cybersecurity. They have a large amount of experience in designing and delivering high-quality cybersecurity training, which helps them to provide their students with the best possible learning experience.
Choosing the right training provider for your career, job or even just to stay up-to-date with new technologies can be a challenge, especially if you are short on time. Here are some tips to help you select the best provider for you:
Check with your employer and see if they have an existing relationship with a training company that already offers SIA courses. If so, consider taking their courses instead of looking elsewhere. This will save you time and hassle!
Ask around at other companies in your field for recommendations for training providers. You may also want to make a list of companies that provide SIA training and then ask them who they would recommend as being a good choice for your needs.
Talk to current employees at your company who have taken SIA courses in the past or have attended seminars or conferences as part of their work duties or as part of professional development opportunities offered by their employers or their colleges/universities. They might know of someone who has taken a course recently and could provide feedback on its quality and usefulness for their own career goals or interests.
Will the company be located near where you live or work? This can be a factor if you need to travel for class sessions or have other commitments during the day. It’s not always convenient to drive long distances in addition to commuting every day, so having a location close by can make it easier for you to attend classes on time and still get your work done at home.
Is the company licensed and insured? This is especially important if you are planning on taking classes for a certification or diploma program. You don’t want to find out after paying for your courses that they were not actually licensed or properly insured by their state government, which could potentially put your license in jeopardy or even cause a lawsuit against them if something goes wrong during training sessions (like an injury).
If you are looking for good providers, consider SIA Training from Securex.